Fight Club

Fight Club

Fight club is our sequence of stories provided by Chronicles Members that highlight a particular issue, personal story or any equivalent to the youth sports world. We take pride in providing a public square for those who wish to tell their story without the backlash or hatred they would receive if they posted this information on their personal accounts. Coaches, parents, and players are all caught in a web of laughs, politics, anger, and excitement. We want to hear your stories, and post on your behalf. Our team will work with you to ensure the safety of individuals or groups mentioned in each story and get your approval of the content before we post publicly. Have a story to tell? It doesn't matter if it's as serious as a heart attack, absolutely hilarious or exposing a serious problem. Become a member today and welcome to the club.

Rules of The Lion's Fight Club

Rule #1 : We do not give up our sources
Rule #2: We post your stories truthfully and anonymously
Rule #3: A Lion never quits or backs down